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Education Tutor

aving the way for an effortless and interactive digital learning experience. Ditch the doubt, own the concepts, and save yourself from an internet search drama. Save time

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In the era of information overload, where Google and ChatGPT reign supreme, we realized something profoundā€”the internet was a wild, untamed jungle, leaving students lost. The struggle was real, and time was the collateral damageā€”time that could've been spent resting or playing post-study. That's when stepped onto the scene. Just one search, and all the information served on a single silver screen. Sure, other AI tutoring platforms exist, but our aim wasn't to be just another random AI. No, sir! Here's a secretā€” comes with its own avatar,voice,image search for maths problems and charts, automatic video playing for necessary questions.
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What does Education Tutor help with?

In the era of information overload, where Google and ChatGPT reign supreme, we realized something profoundā€”the internet was a wild, untamed jungle, leaving students lost. The struggle was real, and time was the collateral damageā€”time that could've been spent resting or playing post-study. That's when stepped onto the scene. Just one search, and all the information served on a single silver screen. Sure, other AI tutoring platforms exist, but our aim wasn't to be just another random AI. No, sir! Here's a secretā€” comes with its own avatar,voice,image search for maths problems and charts, automatic video playing for necessary questions.


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