How to stay updated on new trends and practices in the indie maker community?

Stay updated on new trends and practices in the indie maker community using Ship it and Sip it

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The latest startup stories — straight from makers

Uncover small and big wins, teamwork tactics and new trends we love or loath. Oh and making cool sh*t 🍻 Featuring weekly interviews with founders, designers and builders who create cool products plus the occasional roast of an upcoming Product Hunt launch from the Indie Maker community.

What to expect from an ideal product

  1. Get insider knowledge from weekly interviews with top founders, designers, and builders.
  2. Discover trending tactics and strategies embraced by the indie maker community.
  3. Stay ahead with insights on both small wins and major accomplishments.
  4. Learn from real-life case studies of success and failures in product launches.
  5. Engage with fresh content including roasts of upcoming Product Hunt launches.

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