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Stockle is the next-gen investment management tool that connects retail investor’s visions to a one seamless operable unit. Why Stockle? Stockle is easy to use, understandable, customisable, yet analytical, adaptive, and detailed— everything that spreadsheets and brokerages are not, and everything that Stockle is about. Manage, track and optimise investments with detailed analytics, delayed realtime pricing and a seamless user experience.

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Stockle is the next-gen investment management tool that connects retail investor’s visions to a one seamless operable unit. Why Stockle? Stockle is easy to use, understandable, customisable, yet analytical, adaptive, and detailed— everything that spreadsheets and brokerages are not, and everything that Stockle is about. Manage, track and optimise investments with detailed analytics, delayed realtime pricing and a seamless user experience.